TFR - our tiny Paint Horse Ranch in Bavaria

Established in the year 1920 by our great-grandfather, the ranch is located in the foothills west of the Ammergauer Alps, directly on the German-Austrian border. From the pastures you can see the Ammergauer Alps, Neuschwanstein Castle and the Hopfensee. With an elevation of 2936 ft above sea level many healthy and tasty herbs grow on these meadows. In the year 1987 the cattle keeping was terminated and five years later - 1992 - we started our little horse business. Twelve years later, in 2004, we changed from Haflinger to American Paint Horses.

Can I rent a horse from you?

 NO!  -  What the hell? ... NO, you can absolutely not rent our horses!

Do you offer boarding?

NO!  -  We do not offer boarding for horses. Not now and not in the future!

Do you give riding lessons?

NO!  -  We give no riding lessons and offer no horse training!

Attention! The complete perimeter of the ranch are video monitored around the clock!

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